Become an expert in the Clobber Passages and leave bad theology behind.

✓ All four UnClobber Courses
✓ 5+ hours in-depth instruction
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ 20+ page PDF Workbook
✓ Bonus course on Eunuchs

unlock the six bible passages* historically used to justify lgbtq discrimination.

*aka, The Clobber Passages.

The UnClobber Suite
One time

Get lifetime access to all four UnClobber Courses (Genesis, Leviticus, Romans, & Corinthians). Plus, get the bonus course on Eunuchs in the Ancient World.

✓ All four UnClobber Courses
✓ 5+ hours in-depth instruction
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ 20+ page PDF Workbook
✓ Bonus course on Eunuchs

What you’ll learn

  • Never settle for the “plain reading” of the English interpretations of the clobber passages.

    Anytime someone tries to tell you the Bible is “clear" on this topic, that just means they’ve haven’t taken it seriously yet.

  • Does the Bible condemn LGBTQ people? No.

    But does it have a few verses that seem to address same-sex sex acts? Yeah.

    So let’s figure out what the Bible does and does not say about homosexuality.

  • For far too long the Church has made LGBTQ people feel like outsiders, abominations, and rebellious sinners.

    Why? Because Christians have fundamentally misunderstood the Bible and homosexuality.

    Learn once and for all how God ACTUALLY feels about LGBTQ people.

The UnClobber Course

Get liberated from the harmful idea that the Bible condemns LGBTQ people.

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Retaking this course from the beginning will reset all of your tracked progress.

About your teacher

About your teacher ✳


Colby, a seasoned pastor with over two decades of experience, has traversed diverse Christian landscapes.

His initial decade was spent within the evangelical milieu he was raised in, while the past twelve years have been dedicated to post-evangelical, progressive Christian churches and spaces.

As the author of two influential books, “UnClobber: Rethinking Our Misuse of the Bible on Homosexuality” and “The SHIFT: A Survival Guide for Becoming a Progressive Christian,” Colby continues to champion a Christian approach rooted in the Way of Jesus, yet adaptable to the contemporary world.

As a prominent figure in the progressive Christian movement, he firmly believes that maintaining an open heart and mind is the cornerstone of living a life of love and grace for all.

Course FAQ

  • In my book, UnClobber, I demonstrate that the church has gotten it wrong when it comes to the clobber passages. These courses are taught by me, and they involve video lectures (with slides! and a workbook with blanks to fill in!) in which I walk you through each of the clobber passages in detail.

  • Each course consists of about 6 different lessons. Lessons range from 5-15 minutes. Overall, each course is about an hour of instruction.

  • There are two options for this.

    1. The UnClobber Suite: pay a one-time price of $97 and all the courses are yours forever.

    2. UnClobber Membership: in addition to getting access to the courses, Members receive benefits such as,

      • Free subscription to Perspective Shift

      • Free signed copy of UnClobber (after 3 months of membership)

      • Invitation to monthly Members Only Zoom gatherings

      • and more!

      • $15/month, or $147 for the year

  • My goal has always been to not let money be a barrier for people to get the resources they need. That’s why I’ve always given away these courses for free for those who currently don’t have the means to pay for it.

    If that’s the position you’re in right now (zero questions asked!) simply email me and either say what you can afford ($10? $25? $50? whatever’s clever), or simply request a Scholarship and you’ll get access to the courses free of charge.

    Peace and love, my friends.