Fall 2016 Tour

Sojourn Grace Collective
San Diego, CA
October 2

OPEN Faith 2016
Indianapolis, IN
October 5-7

Solomon's Porch
Minneapolis, MN
October 9

Lindenwood University
St. Louis, MO
October 13

San Diego Book Release Party
North Park, San Diego
October 21

Morgantown Community Church
Morgantown, KY
November 6

Western Kentucky University
Afternoon Lecture
Bowling Green, KY
November 7

Highlands Church
Denver, CO
November 13

Liquid Theology @ Refuge
Pearls Dance Hall
Fort Worth, TX
November 18

UnClobber Saturday Workshop
Hosted by Galileo Church
Fort Worth, TX
November 19, 10a-2:30p

The Welcome Table Christian Church
Fort Worth, TX
November 20 @ 10am

Galileo Church
Fort Worth, TX
November 20 @ 5pm



Curate an UnClobber Experience

Are you a church looking to explore homosexuality and the Bible?

Are you part of a higher-learning establishment hoping to spur meaningful dialogue

Maybe you're a home church or a group of people interested in studying this super important and highly relevant issue? 

Perhaps you are looking to have a smart, respectful, and engaging debate on the issue of homosexuality and Christianity?

However we can serve you, we're game. Just fill out the form and we'll take it from there. 


Since each event is unique, we want to work with you to make UnClobber® happen.

After you fill out the form we can hash out the details.